Environmental Robots Inc.
The Home of Ionic Polymer Metal Composites (IPMCs), Polymeric Nanocomposites and Artificial Muscles

Featured Products

1-Deluxe Beginners Package with four Samples of Polymeric Artificial Muscles of


dimensions plus the Variable Voltage/Frequency Power Supply and Dynamic Signal Generator and Muscle Samples Mounting Device/Alligator Electrodes.

Special Offer: 10%

discount for academic and research institutions. Call (207) 478 9383

or email:





We are pleased to introduce a new line of products called IPMC-based Smart Breathing Fabrics with Actuation, Sensing and Energy
Harvesting Properties. Contact us if your interested.


Choose from the list of following products or describe what you would like to have by emailing:  biomimetics@environmental-robots.com.


ERI allows 10% discount to Universities and Research Organizations.

In order to place an order and/or pay by Credit Card click on the link below:

Ordering Page

1-Deluxe Beginners Package Consisting of Four Samples of Polymeric Artificial Muscles (0.5cmx3cmx0.2-0.3mm) PLUS the Variable Voltage/Frequency Power Supply and Dynamic Signal Generator, Plus Muscle Samples Mounting Device with Alligator Electrodes, Special Offer with 10% discount for academic and research institutions. Call (207) 478 9383 or email : biomimetics@environmental-robots.com

2-Variable Voltage/Frequency Power Supply and Dynamic Voltage Signal Generator, Plus Muscle Samples Mounting Device with Electrodes, Special Offer with 10% discount for academic and research institutions. Call (207) 478 9383 or email : biomimetics@environmental-robots.com

3-Deluxe Quadruple Actuator and Sensor Pack 

This pack contains four (4) samples of Polymeric Actuators/Sensors/Transducers/Energy Harvesters (1cmx4cmx0.2-0.3mm) plus  A Variable Voltage/Frequency Power Supply and Dynamic Signal Generator as well as a sample mounting clamp (alligator clip) with electrodes. Special Offer 15% discount for academic and research institutions. Call (207) 478 9383 or email : biomimetics@environmental-robots.com

4-Quadruple Actuator and Sensor Pack 


This pack contains 4 Polymeric Actuators/Sensors/ Transducers/Energy Harvesters Elements (1cmx4cmx0.20-0.3mm). Special Offer with 15% discount for academic and research institutions. Call (207) 478 9383 or email : biomimetics@environmental-robots.com


5-Assortment of Bending & Contractile Polymeric Artificial Muscles 


The assortment package includes: Eight (8) different samples of Ionic Polymeric Metal Composite (IPMCs) artificial muscles of various thickness (0.5cmx3cmx0.2-0.3mm) and plating (Gold or Platinum) and Two different fiber bundles (20 fibers of 2000 strands of 10 micron microfibers each) of contractile polymeric (PAN) artificial muscles that contract and expand more than 100%. It also includes the dynamic voltage/frequency signal generator/power supply. Special Offer with 10% discount for academic and research institutions. Call (207) 478 9383 or email : biomimetics@environmental-robots.com


6-Flapping Pairs of Wings System with a Wing Span of About 10 cm Operating with a Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Signal Generator , Special Offer with 10% discount for academic and research institutions. Call (207) 478 9383 or email : biomimetics@environmental-robots.com


Environmental Robots, Inc. is pleased to announce an exciting new product comprising of a pair flapping wings suitable for micro UAV's (please see the flapping wings videos on ERI main web page) and other flapping wings or solid state aircraft systems equipped with a dynamic voltage frequency signal generator.  Special Offer with 15% discount for academic and research institutions. Call (207) 478 9383 or email : biomimetics@environmental-robots.com


Other wing span dimensions are available on request. Please let us know what dimension wing span you wish to have from nano to micro to macro sizes. Contact:  jamie@environmental-robots.com


7-Assortment of Bending Polymeric Artificial-MicroMuscles

Environmental Robots, Inc. is pleased to announce an exciting new product comprising of 8 tiny little micro-muscles (in a few hundreds of microns range) in an assortment  for a price of  US$1,667. The assortment package includes: eight (8) different samples of Ionic Polymeric Metal Composite (IPMCs) artificial micro-muscles of a thickness of 20-30 microns and lengths of a few mms. The bending and flexing polymeric artificial micro-muscles which are also micro-sensors and micro-transducers are primarily for Actuation in Air but they also do work in a wet polar liquid environment, water, blood, biological tissue and ionic liquid environment.  Typically, the bending/flexing artificial muscles in a cantilever mode have a tip motion of about 100's of microns per millivolt. These bending/flexing micro-muscles can also respond to various dynamic voltage signals such as sinusoidal, square wave, triangular wave, saw tooth wave in a linear manner under robotic supervisory control.   If they are bent, flexed or squeezed, they generate a few microvolts. These are exciting micro-muscles for scientists and engineers dealing with MEMS, NEMS, nano bio and biomedical research.  Special Offer with 20% discount in general and additional 10% discount for academic and research institutions. Call (207) 478 9383

or email : biomimetics@environmental-robots.com


8-Fibrous Contractile Artificial Muscle Package: 

This package includes an assortment of 2 fibrous chemically contractile (over 100% linear strain) fiber bundles of 6 and 20 polyacrylonitile (PAN) fibers + 2 fibrous electrochemically contractile (over 20% linear strain) PAN fiber bundles of 20 fibers interlaced with graphite fibers + a dynamic variable voltage/frequency and dynamic voltage frequency signal generator. PAN Gels (muscles) are FDA approved for cervical dilation for pregnant women during delivery and are commercially available and knows as DILAPAN.  Special Offer with 10% discount in general and additional 10% discount for academic and research institutions. Call (207) 478 9383

or email : biomimetics@environmental-robots.com



9-ERI Laminated Sheet Batteries (IPMCs as Energy Harvesters): Contact ERI for Price
These sheet batteries are made with ionic polymer metal composites (IPMC) and are self-powered by harvesting energy from random dynamic motion of their environment and do not need to be ever recharged. They come in sheets of different dimensions and electrical power output with electrodes attached to them ready to use. Customers interested in this product please let us know the desired dimensions and power output and we will quote you a price and delivery time line for your desired product.  j

10-ERI Joints and Muscles Power Augmentation Systems: Contact ERI for Price

These power augmentation systems which will be either free-standing or embedded in attires, jackets, coats, pants, sleeves or boots are designed and fabricated for people with joint and muscle power deficiencies and disabilities such as paraplegics, quadriplegics, elderly and the disabled people. They will enable the user to convert a very small force or energy to many orders  of magnitude (typically 4 orders of magnitude) greater force and energy to perform tasks that they are not normally equipped to perform. Customers interested in this product please let us know the desired application or attire and we will quote you a price and delivery time line for the integrated system.

11-Custom Made Special Order of Polymeric Artificial Muscles 


Tell us what types of artificial muscle configurations or system you wish to   have (size, shape, function, voltage requirement, range of motion, range of forces, frequency requirement, etc.) and any desired systems integration and we will quote you a price and a time- line to deliver according to your specifications.  Customers with specific R&D requirements should contact ERI. Note that ERI has capabilities to meet your needs.    


ERI also performs limited product development & services on shape memory alloys (SMA) actuators and artificial muscles, as well.

In order to place an order and/or pay by Credit Card click on the link below:

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